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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/regulus/doc/CommandDoc/split_speech_corpus arg1 arg2 arg3.txt

Splits the speech translation corpus output file, defined by the {\tt translation\_\-speech\_\-corpus} config file entry, into \begin{itemize} \item an in-coverage part defined by a {\tt translation\_\-speech\_\-corpus($\langle$Arg2$\rangle$)} config file entry, and

\item an out-of-coverage part defined by a {\tt translation\_\-speech\_\-corpus($\langle$Arg3$\rangle$)} config file entry. \end{itemize} Coverage is with respect to the top-level grammar {\tt $\langle$Arg1$\rangle$}, which must be loaded.

Typical call: \begin{verbatim} SPLIT_SPEECH_CORPUS .MAIN in_coverage out_of_coverage \end{verbatim}